Finally, a Personal Coding Project Again

It’s a been a long while but I’ve finally thought of a personal coding project that I care about enough to actually have a go at.


The project is GRChallengeStats. The goal is to produce a simple app, in a variety of formats, that will provide me with a number of statistics related to my yearly GoodReads Reading Challenge.


These stats are fairly simple, but they aren’t something that GoodReads provides, and I find them to be both interesting and motivating, the book percentage required per day one in particular, as a small percent of a book per day is a target that always feels quite doable. So this project provides data that I both enjoy and benefit from.

Additionally, this project is something I want enough that I should have sufficient motivation to build it to a point where it’s usable. I’ve already done a command line version, but that was mostly a proof of concept to help nail down some of the objects I had in my head. The primary goal is to use the creation of this simple tool to help me learn how to build a mobile app.

This project is simple enough that I feel like there should be little excuse for me to ever really get stuck enough that I would eventually give up :).

I mentioned a “variety of formats” above. Because this app is very simple, I think it may be a good tool for experimenting with different frameworks for producing apps for desktop, mobile, and cross platform. We’ll see how I go, but I hope to learn at least a couple of different app making frameworks by the time I put this project down.

Craig Reynolds @wyldphyre