An update on my iPad situation

I recently upgraded my 10.5" iPad Pro to a 12.9" 2020 iPad Pro. It’s been an adjustment period, and the large device is definitely less portable, but I do like the larger screen, and the more complete on screen keyboard. The ability to better store the Apple Pencil with the iPad is also handy and makes the pencil something I use much more often.

One of the main reasons I decided to go with the big iPad though was that I wanted to get the new Magic Keyboard for it, with it’s good keyboard, backlighting, and ability to “float” the iPad over the keyboard with a fair degree of angle choice.

The keyboard arrived today, and I’m using it to type this right now. It’s pretty good. There’s not as much movement in the arm as I’d thought there would be, but it should be plenty adequate for my needs. I guess we’ll have to see as time goes one.

Now that I have a good keyboard for the iPad I’ll have to try and see just how many things I might be able to do more of on the iPad instead of my desktop. My iPad has been my primary “computing” device for years now, pretty much every since I got one, really, so it would be nice to make it even more so now that I have a decent keyboard and trackpad that I can carry around with it, along with the ability to use a mouse if I want.

I think to start with I’m going to try and blog a little more, to try and learn the workflow better. However, I think I’ll get a lot out of just the day to day stuff I can do easier now. Things like browsing the web, email, spreadsheets, etc. Anything would will be easier with the ability to use a keyboard for input of text.

Craig Reynolds @wyldphyre